• お菓子と栄養教育で栄養改善@カンボジア

    See below for English



    チュンエクは、ポルポト時代の負の遺産キリングフィールド(Cheung Ek Genocidal Center)のある地域です。しかし子どもたちは、ここでも元気いっぱい。NOMPOPOKスタッフが休み時間に学校を訪問すると、皆が駆け寄ってきて「今日は何年生?何のお菓子?」と大騒ぎになります。

    代金内訳 (お菓子や栄養授業の内容によって、多少の変更が生じます)

    お菓子$35 + 栄養授業$15 + 交通費$5 合計$55




    Plan E allows us to deliver NOM POPOK’s snacks and nutrition class to a class of Cheung EK primary school located in south of Phnom Penh. NOM POPOK started working with this school recently in 2024, wishing to raise the students’ awareness in healthy eating habits and to see a change in their snack selection.


    Choeung Ek is the area where the “Killing Field”, Choeung Ek Genocidal Center is located. Regardless of this tragic history, the students in the school are very energetic and friendly. Upon the visit, we are immediately surrounded by the students who run to us and ask a lot of questions such as “which grade are you visiting today?” and “what snacks do you have today?”


    Price details (subject to change due to the selections of snacks and nutrition)

    US$35 (for snacks) + US$15 (for nutrition workshop) + US$5 (for transportation) = US$55

    To purchase this plan, click here
