See below for English
くっくま孤児院の子どもたちには、これまで何度も栄養授業を行ってきました。いつも元気に楽しく、目を輝かせて、授業に参加する子どもたち。NOM POPOKのおやつも大好きです。
代金内訳 (お菓子や栄養授業の内容によって、多少の変更が生じます)
お菓子$23 + 栄養授業$6 + 交通費$6 =合計$35
This plan allows us to deliver various PoPok snacks to the children who live in Kukkuma Kojiin (Kukkuma orphanage home) which is located in Chbar Ampov District, Phnom Penh. Currently about 30 children live in this home. We deliver snacks to all the children there and conduct nutrition education as well.
We have been to Kukkuma Kojiin many times. The children are always curious, and actively participate in our nutrition class. They love PoPok snacks too!
Price details (subject to change due to the selections of snacks and nutrition workshop topics)
US$23 (for snacks) + US$6 (for nutrition workshop) + US$6 (for transportation) = US$35
To purchase this plan, click here