See below for English
プノンペン市内から、メコン川を渡って1時間ほど離れたところにあるサリカケオ小学校に通う子どもたち1クラスに、お菓子と栄養授業をお届けします。この学校は、PLAN Aのお届け先であるダチョウ小学校と同じ地区にあります。
代金内訳 (お菓子や栄養授業の内容によって、多少の変更が生じます)
お菓子$35 + 栄養教育$15 + 交通費$15 = 合計$65
This plan allows us to deliver various PoPok snacks to a class in Sarikakeo primary school, Kandal province. We also conduct a nutrition workshop to the class we visit.
Sarikakeo primary school is located across the Mekong river. When going to the school, we take a ferry to cross the river. Although it is less than an hour away from the center of Phnom Penh, the view is totally different. You can enjoy cows and goats eating grass, beautiful lotus field, fruitful mango trees along the road to the school.
Price details (subject to change due to the selections of snacks and nutrition workshop topics)
US$35 (for snacks) + US$15 (for nutrition workshop) + US$15 (for transportation) = US$65 )
To purchase this plan, click here